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Mr. Nabeel Qadeer visits IBA & BIC

Mr. Nabeel Qadeer is an entrepreneur, Business Coach, Consultant and Content Producer. Currently, he is assisting the Prime Minister's Kamyab Jawan Program.
Mr. Nabeel visited Institute of Business Administration (IBA) and Business Incubation Centre (BIC). He also held a meeting with Director-IBA, Prof. Dr. Muqqadas Rehman as well with IBA faculty members on July 30, 2021.

After the meeting Mr. Nabeel expressed that it was a pleasure to be invited by the brilliant Dr. Muqaddas Rehman, who serves as Director of the prestigious IBA, based within the premises of the University of the Punjab, Lahore.

He accomplished IBA by saying that “I am thoroughly impressed with the way Dr. Muqaddas is driving various aspects of the Institute; whether it be offering the PhD program, or the brand new Business Incubation Centre or the change in the overall culture of a rather massive organization like IBA”.

He further added that “We spoke at length about the various things that need to be done & I'll gladly be assisting her in establishing a lot more that she has planned in times to come. I would highly encourage founders from all across Lahore to apply at the IBA Incubator which promises to be a great place for helping startups scale”.

IBA highly acknowledges the esteemed message given by Nabeel A. Qadeer about extending his support in making IBA PU stand out in the world, Inshallah!

Mr. Nabeel Qadeer visits IBA & BIC

Written by: IT